As usual, we start with last month's Snarl about celibacy--


"I have to say I've been celibate for awhile now, for a few reasons... #1 I can't find anyone fit to have sex with #2 I find that sex sometimes clouds the mind to the big picture #3 When I'm having a sexual relationship I want it all the time and I can't find someone to keep up the pace #4 men can be sexually dumb, I hate a job half done #5 I had sex withheld from me as a form of punishment and I'm still pissed about it #6 I want a relationship first (something longer than a couple of days..) Thank you for your time"


"I was celibate for two years. It cleared my head and put things in perspective. The main reason I did it was because I was sick of each and every person on the planet and didn't want anyone within 20 feet of me. My self-imposed isolation made me look at things much clearer."

"...of course, I cannot forget that wonderful radical approach to celibacy. What a hoot!"

From December's issue:

"Fab E-Zine! Really wonderful to find people, women especially, talking about things I care about. OK, that's egocentric, but that's the point. Exploration of similarity, difference, feminist theory/ideals/etc. Great idea."


"I *really* loved this issue. I like the two essays by Stoneberg (I especially relate to the one about ethnicity because I'm English with a French name) and I liked the essay about women who don't like to cook. My mother hates to cook, but she grew up in a generation in which it was expected from her. She sometimes feels guilty when she doesn't. She's hoping that when my Dad retires (supposedly pretty soon) that he'll do some cooking. "


"I just want to say that this zine is really interesting to read.I come here and read the submissions and they just make me think about things in ways I haven't thought of before- it opens my mind up I guess you could say. All of the authors are really talented. All in all- it's really STELLAR! "


"I think what you are doing is really cool. I am glad that there is somewhere for women to go and find things about what other women or girls are doing, that is very important in out society today. Especially when finding this type of information is easy to get hold of. For once females can read something empowering, instead of the crap found in trendy magazines, like Seventeen. Keep up the good work. "


"Thanks for putting Kat's stuff out to the world. She really needs a publisher!!"


"I loved the story dec 1996 "les sex, les hot" It leaves you wanting to know more."


"I shall be checking this place out regularly from now on"
